System messages

This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
System messages
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Name Default message text
Current message text
addwatch (talk) (Translate) Add to watchlist
ago (talk) (Translate) $1 ago
all-logs-page (talk) (Translate) Main public logs
allarticles (talk) (Translate) All pages
allinnamespace (talk) (Translate) All pages ($1 namespace)
alllogstext (talk) (Translate) Combined display of all available logs of {{SITENAME}}. You can narrow down the view by selecting a log type, the username (case-sensitive), or the affected page (also case-sensitive).
allmessages (talk) (Translate) System messages
allmessages-filter (talk) (Translate) Filter by customization state:
allmessages-filter-all (talk) (Translate) All
allmessages-filter-legend (talk) (Translate) Filter
allmessages-filter-modified (talk) (Translate) Modified
allmessages-filter-submit (talk) (Translate) Filter
allmessages-filter-translate (talk) (Translate) Translate
allmessages-filter-unmodified (talk) (Translate) Unmodified
allmessages-language (talk) (Translate) Language:
allmessages-not-supported-database (talk) (Translate) This page cannot be used because <strong>$wgUseDatabaseMessages</strong> has been disabled.
allmessages-prefix (talk) (Translate) Filter by prefix:
allmessages-unknown-language (talk) (Translate) The language code <code>$1</code> is unknown.
allmessagescurrent (talk) (Translate) Current message text
allmessagesdefault (talk) (Translate) Default message text
allmessagesname (talk) (Translate) Name
allmessagestext (talk) (Translate) This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit [ MediaWiki Localisation] and [] if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
allowemail (talk) (Translate) Allow other users to email me
allpages (talk) (Translate) All pages
allpages-bad-ns (talk) (Translate) {{SITENAME}} does not have namespace "$1".
allpages-hide-redirects (talk) (Translate) Hide redirects
allpages-summary (talk) (Translate)  
allpagesbadtitle (talk) (Translate) The given page title was invalid or had an inter-language or inter-wiki prefix. It may contain one or more characters that cannot be used in titles.
allpagesfrom (talk) (Translate) Display pages starting at:
allpagesprefix (talk) (Translate) Display pages with prefix:
allpagessubmit (talk) (Translate) Go
allpagesto (talk) (Translate) Display pages ending at:
alreadyrolled (talk) (Translate) Cannot rollback the last edit of [[:$1]] by [[User:$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|talk]]{{int:pipe-separator}}[[Special:Contributions/$2|{{int:contribslink}}]]). Someone else has edited or rolled back the page already. The last edit to the page was by [[User:$3|$3]] ([[User talk:$3|talk]]{{int:pipe-separator}}[[Special:Contributions/$3|{{int:contribslink}}]]).
ancientpages (talk) (Translate) Oldest pages
ancientpages-summary (talk) (Translate)  
and (talk) (Translate) and
anoncontribs (talk) (Translate) Contributions
anoneditwarning (talk) (Translate) <strong>Warning:</strong> You are not logged in. Your IP address will be publicly visible if you make any edits. If you <strong>[$1 log in]</strong> or <strong>[$2 create an account]</strong>, your edits will be attributed to your username, along with other benefits.
anonnotice (talk) (Translate) -
anononlyblock (talk) (Translate) anon. only
anonpreviewwarning (talk) (Translate) <em>You are not logged in. Publishing will record your IP address in this page's edit history.</em>
anontalk (talk) (Translate) Talk
anontalkpagetext (talk) (Translate) ---- <em>This is the discussion page for an anonymous user who has not created an account yet, or who does not use it.</em> We therefore have to use the numerical IP address to identify them. Such an IP address can be shared by several users. If you are an anonymous user and feel that irrelevant comments have been directed at you, please [[Special:CreateAccount|create an account]] or [[Special:UserLogin|log in]] to avoid future confusion with other anonymous users.
anonuser (talk) (Translate) {{SITENAME}} anonymous user $1
anonusers (talk) (Translate) {{SITENAME}} anonymous {{PLURAL:$2|user|users}} $1
anonymous (talk) (Translate) Anonymous {{PLURAL:$1|user|users}} of {{SITENAME}}
api-clientside-error-aborted (talk) (Translate) The request was aborted.
api-clientside-error-http (talk) (Translate) Server returned error: HTTP $1.
api-clientside-error-invalidresponse (talk) (Translate) Invalid response from server.
api-clientside-error-noconnect (talk) (Translate) Could not connect to the server. Make sure you have a working internet connection and try again.
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